Create a Digital ID for a Signature in Adobe Acrobat

adobe acrobat

Adobe Digital Signature offers a secure form of e-signature, ensuring security in the signer's identity and compliance with regulatory standards. With Adobe Digital Signature ID, you can rest assured that your documents are securely and authentically signed.

In this guide, you will learn how to create a digital signature ID, so you can sign all of your documents without ever having to leave your home or desk.

1. Open Adobe Acrobat on desk top.  

2. In the main header navigation, locate and select Edit > Preferences.

adobe acrobat edit preferences

3. Scroll down in the left navigation panel; select Signatures.

adobe acrobat signatures

4. Under Identities and Trusted Certificates, select More.

identities and trusted certificates

5. Click on the ID+ icon located near the top left corner of the pop-up window.

Add digital ID

6. Choose A new digital ID I want to create now, and click Next.

click a new digital ID I want to creat now

7. Select New PKCS#12 digital ID File, and click Next.

click add ne PKCS digital ID file

8. Enter your name, company, and work email address, then click Next.

add information to complete digital ID

9. You will be prompted to create a password for your digital ID.

Important: This password will be required each time you sign a document digitally. There are no password reset or recovery options. So, ensure your password is something you will not forget.

10. Enter a password, retype to confirm, and click Finish.

set up a password for digital ID

Success! Your new Digital ID is displayed and you can now officially sign Adobe documents with your digital signature.

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about Adobe signature? Continue learning and visit how to draw your signature in Acrobat next.

Can't create your digital signature or need help with something else? Contact the IT help desk.


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