Getting Started with Qualtrics

Create a Project

About Creating a Project: A project consists of a

  1. Survey
  2. Distribution record
  3. Collection of responses
  4. Reports.

You can create a new survey project from scratch, from a copy of an existing survey, from a template in your survey library, or from an exported QSF file.

Browsing the Catalog

The catalog is where you can find all the different types of projects you can create in your Qualtrics account. You can always get to the catalog in one of three ways:

1. From the top-level navigation, select Catalog.

2. From the Projects page, click Create project.

3. From the homepage, click Create a new project.

Along the side, you can use the filter groups to narrow down what options you have to choose from. There are a lot of different things you can pick from in the catalog, and what you see will depend on your license and your account permissions. Clicking on an item will filter the catalog to display only the projects that meet that criteria. You can click on additional items to further narrow the available options. Items will be grayed out if they cannot be combined with your current filter criteria. You can also use the search function to search projects by keyword.


  • Type: The type of project.
  • What you’re measuring: The audience being measured (e.g., Customers, Employees, Website and app visitors).
  • Department: The department that is being measured (e.g., Customer experience, Human resources, IT).
  • Use case: The goal for the project (e.g., Brand tracking, Market research, Workplace experience).
  • XM category: The product category (e.g., BrandXM, CoreXM, CustomerXM).
  • What’s included: What is included in the project (e.g., Guided setup, Pre-built dashboard).

Tech Tip

Selecting items from different filter groups will narrow your search, as only projects that meet all of your selected criteria will be displayed. Selecting items from the same filter group will broaden your search. In the screenshot below, the catalog will display both CoreXM and EmployeeXM projects.

Tech Tip

To get access to features you dont have, talk to your Brand Administrator. They can either adjust your permissions if its a feature your brand has already purchased, or they can reach out to your brands Account Executive if you are interested in upgrading your license.

  • Projects from scratch: Create a new project without starting from a template. This is where you’ll find options such as Surveys, DashboardsWebsite & App FeedbackFrontline FeedbackImported Data, and more. See a list of project types.
  • Programs: When you create a program, it can come with a whole host of pre-built projects, such as expert-designed surveys, dashboards, and intercepts, all in one container with key metrics highlighted on the first page.
  • Guided Projects: These are more complex than templates in that they take you through the survey creation, distribution, and reporting process process step-by-step. The content in guide projects are based on industry-standard research designs and perfected by subject-matter experts.
  • Projects Templates: Instead of starting with a blank project, you can also start with a Qualtrics template. These pre-made projects provide a starting place for Experience Management, with content developed by subject-matter experts.

Tech Tip: 

Sometimes not all available templates or guided solutions will be listed at once – click the See all button to expand the list


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