How to Create a Survey (Qualtrics)

Creating a New Survey Project

Blank survey projects are surveys you build from scratch.

1. Click the global navigation in the top-left, next to the XM logo.

2. SelectCatalog.

3. Choose either CoreXM or your desired XM category.

4. Click Survey. This project type is found in the Projects from scratch section of the Catalog.

Tech Tip

When created, the project will fall in the default Uncategorized folder. You can always move your survey to a different folder later on. See our  organizing your projects page for more information about folders and subfolders.

5. ClickGet started.

6. Enter a Name for your survey.

7. Choose Create a blank survey project.

8. Click Create project.

After clicking Create project, you will be taken to the Survey tab where you can begin adding questions to your survey.


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